The school was visited by the schools’ inspectorate in May 2022 for the first time since 2008, and, in an unusual judgement, inspectors found the school to be Good in the majority of areas they reviewed – but raised significant concerns about some students’ experience of “homophobic, racist and misogynistic language.”
Given our continuing track record of exceptional high achievement, the popularity of our school, and the richness of the experience our students receive we were excited to showcase Ecclesbourne. We are pleased that inspectors praised many very important aspects of school life. Ofsted concluded that our students and staff are proud to be part of our school. They also found that teachers have high expectations and that Ecclesbourne has an ambitious curriculum supported by extra-curricular opportunities which provide an exciting and enriching learning environment.
Amongst the positive comments, the inspectorate concluded that:
- Teachers have high expectations of what pupils can achieve. They are keen to ensure that pupils do well. Teachers are subject specialists. They present information clearly so pupils understand new concepts.
- The curriculum is ambitious. In most subjects, teachers are clear about the knowledge pupils need to learn. They carefully craft the curriculum to ensure pupils acquire the knowledge and skills they need for their next steps.
- Many pupils say that they feel extremely proud to attend Ecclesbourne School.
- Most pupils behave well in lessons. Learning is not disrupted. Pupils are generally keen to learn and are attentive to their teachers.
- There are plentiful opportunities for pupils to enrich their education…pupils develop talents and interests that they can build on when they leave the school. The school helps pupils to live up to its motto of ‘Learning together for the future’.
- The love of reading is well promoted. Teachers, supported by the school librarian, ensure that pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, enjoy reading books of different genres, written by authors with diverse perspectives.
- Teachers in ‘learning support’ are determined that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve and succeed well. Pupils with SEND receive skilled support.
- There is a clear personal, social and health education (PHSE) curriculum in place. Pupils benefit from a range of opportunities and responsibilities.
- Staff are extremely proud to work at Ecclesbourne School. They feel well supported. They appreciate the significant efforts that leaders take to develop them professionally and to help them manage their workload.
Importantly, inspectors raised concerns primarily around “homophobic, racist and misogynistic language” that some students have experienced whilst in school. They also took the view that the school needed to do more to address this. Under the new Ofsted framework, concerns of this nature mean that leadership and management are automatically rated as inadequate. This is a “limiting judgement” which means that Ecclesbourne could not receive a judgement that is better than inadequate overall.
To say that we are deeply saddened that anyone feels unsafe in our community is an understatement. Irrespective of our academic results, we have always prided ourselves on the fact that we are a happy, positive and inclusive community where every student feels able to be themselves without fear of prejudice or negativity.
If any concerns have ever been raised, then we have always addressed them with pace and purpose. Yet, even if just one child feels unsupported, then we need to stop, listen and make changes.
Since the inspection, the school has already acted to further enhance our pastoral and leadership teams, reviewed our personal, social and health education curriculum and commissioned an independent safeguarding review for early in the autumn term.
The report is available below. The outcome will mean that the school will receive more scrutiny from Ofsted and will shortly be publishing an action plan on their website to inform the community of the steps it is taking to ensure any issues raised are reviewed and addressed.